Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared

Have you heard of that video that's been on YouTube called "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared?" Well, theirs more to it than the happy-go-lucky puppets singing and dancing. No, I'm not talking about how the video transforms into nightmare fuel towards the end. (If you've already seen it you know what I'm talking about.) Before you sit back and think "Great, another cursed video story." Stick around, this isn't what you think. Before you read further, I suggest watching the video if you haven't seen it yet.
The tune in the video is catchy, right? Moving on, this video's light-hearted facade hides a sinister plot. The video depicts more than how something could go horribly wrong within a matter of secconds. It describes how we as people are encouraged to be ourselves and do/think what we want to, but only certain things are acceptable, they don't really mean "be yourself". They actually mean, "Be what I want you to be" The purpose of this video was to make you think. To make you realize what kind of place we live in.
Let's break it down, shall we?
When the notebook asks if the other puppets find the clouds in the sky, they say no. Then she asks them to take another look and puts a monocle over her own eye. Then the puppets see what she wanted them to see such as the hat, cat, and so on. But when the yellow puppet tries to be creative, and painted a clown, the notebook told him to "slow it down" and destroying the painting by pouring the ink over it. Basically saying "No, the clown isn't acceptable." After that, when the notebook suggest using leaves and sticks to spell out your favorite colors, look at the color wheel. You only see the colors blue, yellow, red, brown, and beige. When one puppet chooses green, the notebook tells him that it is not a creative color because it's not on the color wheel. Green is not accepted, therefore, it can't be your favorite color.
Here's where things get a little off.
The music speeds up, and kind of disorts. You see the puppets hands fastly making various crafts. When the screen rotates around the table, you see directer's chairs, a camera, and microphone. That's suggesting that it's a Hollywood set. Hollywood is where these genral ideas of how we are to act as people come from. It's where all of the corruption in today's society comes from. After this, the puppets began going insane. Pouring glitter over a human heart, eating brain cake, you get the idea. Things get crazy. Afterwards things go back to normal, and the notebook says "Now let's all agree to never be creative again."
This video basically points out that we are taught at a young age (hense the children's show themed setting and song) to be an individual, to be unique, but they really want us all to be generally the same. Society isn't open to unique people, but they make it look like they are. Does this video make you think about the world we live in? It should. This video is the reality of today's society.